Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Information on tv. To resolve the set that is first of concerns concerning the prevalence

Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Information on tv. To resolve the set that is first of concerns concerning the prevalence

Information Analyses

To resolve the initial pair of research concerns about the prevalence of nonheterosexual product on television, we utilized episode-level information ( e.g., percentages of episodes containing same-sex intimate behavior and containing speak about intercourse pertaining to nonheterosexuals) and chi-square analyses to look at between-group distinctions with your nominal information. When it comes to 2nd pair of research questions, we utilized just those indicates that contained nonheterosexual intimate content and evaluated their regularity across 2-minute periods ( e.g., amount of intervals per hour of system time with nonheterosexual sexual talk). Of these analyses, we utilized t-tests or analysis of variance (ANOVA) to check group distinctions. Significant omnibus F-tests had been followed up with post hoc comparisons making use of Tamhane’s T2 test, which will not assume equal cellular size or equal variance, to determine significant distinctions across teams.


Prevalence of Nonheterosexual Sexual Information

About one in six programs inside our samples included any content that is sexualbehavior or talk) regarding nonheterosexuals. dining Table 1 shows the portion of demonstrates that contained any same-sex behavior that is sexual any intimate talk linked to nonheterosexuals by system genres, by form of system, and also by period of day aired. For system kind, the 11 channels were categorized into certainly one of three groups: commercial broadcast (including the 3 major companies ABC, CBS, and NBC in addition to Fox, UPN, and WB), cable music activity (including BET and MTV), and premium cable movie (which included Cinemax, HBO, and Showtime). With regards to period of broadcast, were classified as prime-time day.

Dining Table 1

Note: Within types of system and time of day aired, percentages into the column that is same do not share subscripts vary at p Table 1 ). Read More — Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Information on tv. To resolve the set that is first of concerns concerning the prevalence

Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Information on tv. To resolve the set that is first of concerns concerning the prevalence Information